006 – Dhritarashtra, Vidur and Pandu

आज हम भीष्म के भतीजों धृतराष्ट्र, विदुर और पांडु के जन्म के बारे में जानेंगे। हम देखेंगे की कैसे ऋषि व्यास ने एक बहुत बड़ी समस्या को हल किया लेकिन साथ ही साथ दूसरी समस्याओं को जन्म दिया।

14 thoughts on “006 – Dhritarashtra, Vidur and Pandu”

    1. A very well spoken Podcast
      Was thinking from many days to learn more about Mahabharata finally started off with this podcast on Google podcasts
      You should upload these on YouTube also
      They will get a better Reach to An Audience…..


  1. This episode contains lots of new information and characters. It would be better if you keep the bite sized episodes, around 10 to 15mins max.

    Also share the next episode release date at the end.
    Appreciate your work🤘. Kudos to you🎉


    1. Thank you. I try to do 2 episodes a month roughly spread out evenly. But the content in book is not very even so can’t give a sureshot date every time.

      I will experiment with size of episodes. Thanks for the suggestion


  2. A really easy and fun way to understand such a huge mythological book. I started listening to podcasts for the first time in my life and that too with your podcasts! Loved it, I heard all the currently uploaded podcasts on Spotify! Keep making more!!


  3. Please make more episodes. I love your voice and tone and emotion in phir voice. Love the show. Fabulous it is.


  4. I just want you to know people are still finding and tuning into the podcast, just heard this episode and listening 1 new episode everyday since 1 week now.

    Thank you! Hope you continue.


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